Monday, 18 April 2016

Mapping Human Behavior for Business (Reaction)

 In TOK class we have been looking into the human sciences, I found the topic of business and management to be really interesting. I read an article on mapping human behavior for business. 

I do not take business studies as my human science, although I find it extremely interesting how we as humans think when buying a certain product, it also allows me to look at my habits critically and rationally think about this topic as a whole which is really interesting. 

In my opinion, I find myself caught in the strong waves of reality. When one reads about this it is really annoying how brands and social influence can play such a great factor in buying a certain product. To quote the article by Alexander Bentley, Mark Earls and Michael J. O'Brien. Copying the most successful individuals means we have enough information to recognize real talent. I find myself doing this often. For instance, when I want to buy a laptop – I see that the icons I look up to like gamers and other musicians, all have an Alienware laptop. This is an exclusive gaming laptop that is about the same price as a MacBook Pro. I find myself drawn towards the Alienware because of the people I look up to all use it, and it is frankly just cool to have one. I try to avoid just joining the bandwagon of trends that occur these days. I think that such trends e.g. buying shoes by the brand Vans for example is generic and I do not want to buy something I do not truly like just because my friends all think it is a great company. 
I’d like to think myself as different, but as a quote I read somewhere “we are all unique, like everyone else.” The more I critically look at the things I have purchased just in the last 6 months. I find myself knocking on reality’s door. I have been following “what they are having” for most of it. For example, clothing brands – when faced with the countless brands of clothing I find myself drawn to the popular ones (brands) that the people who I think are successful in their respective area use. It is annoying thinking about it from a different perspective, but that’s where we come to see the extent of business and marketing. 

Business and marketing has evolved from just TV adverts and the odd flyer on the road to something more. Companies are more willing to hire human behavior experts and psychologists to sell more. Marketing offices have now found more creative ways in to reel young mindless human, like myself, seducing us using the faces of those we worship. Hook, line and sinker. These days, music artists have a lot of control over what we buy. For example, if Justin Bieber was suddenly wearing Adidas. It would be something ‘hip’ therefore more of his fans would switch to Adidas following Justin like a mob. The trick is to make us think that we actually have control or we think what we are doing is rational, which is cruel but that’s what makes a business and product more successful. An example I could give of this situation is Kanye West (a rapper) selling his Adidas Yeezys. People are willing to pay more than $500 to fit in and follow what the cool people are doing. This type of scenario may seem dumb to me as I am left in awe that people actually get caught in that hype. Although we all have our weakness. Come to think off it, there are many things that even I have bought or believed that may seem really stupid to others.  The abundance of choices makes this harder for us, there are many brands we know, many we do not. This is when the mob mentality comes in – just follow the crowd so you do not stick out, at least other people think it is something worth investing or buying. So at least I will not regret it as 100 others think it is good including my favorite footballer. 

Overall, I think natural sciences and the study of human behavior is significant in the progress of business. In order to make your business more successful, you must know the people you are selling your product to. Know how they think, control what they buy. Seems easy enough, maybe I will be able to control millions with a product someday. Or perhaps this was another idea sold to us – embedded in our subconscious as I think it is my own original idea, just as the other millions had the same idea. 

Following for the consumer trap - "I will have what she's having" (